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HDFC eNews September 2019

Writer's picture: HDFCHDFC

Aircraft News

Foxbat 24-8685

This aircraft has been unserviceable for the last 2 months following breakage of the nosewheel leg pivoting point. Repairs have now been completed. However the aircraft will not be returned to service as it is being advertised for sale. Apologies to those affected by our transition to a new fleet type.


The new secondhand Sling arrived on June 14th. It is proving very popular with over 150 hours logged. All training is occurring in this aircraft.

Sling FU-KHG

The club is purchasing a second Sling 2 for delivery late November. Sourced in South Africa the aircraft is a 2013 model with 343 hours total time airframe and engine. Having similar equipment to the current Sling the main difference is the injected Rotax 912 iS engine. The addition of this aircraft will complete the transition to an all Sling fleet.

Annual General Meeting

Twenty one members attended the 2019 HDFC AGM. Those present were well informed on the current status of the club via reports by the President and Treasurer. The retiring committee were re-elected unopposed. Congratulations to all. I look forward to working with you for a further twelve months.

HDFC committee members 2019

From left: Steve Smith, Vice President and CFI; Bruce Dunlop, Secretary; Ray Lind, Vice President and Club Captain; Rod Davison, President; Doug Toppazzini, Maintenance; Veronica Lind, Marketing and Communications; David Toulson, Treasurer; Mark Crawford, Facilities; Mike Bullock, Events (absent)

Flying Scholarships

Applications are now open for the 2019 HDFC Flying Scholarships. Aimed at the youth of the area applicants must be aged between 14 and 20 years of age. This year one of the scholarships is being financed by the Ludriks and Baker families. We are extremely grateful to Jimmi, Mathew and their families for their wonderful support. Both Jimmi and Mathew were previous recipients of a HDFC scholarship and are now flying with Cathay Pacific. Applications close on the 13th October.

CASA Safety Seminar

The next AvSafety Seminar will be conducted by the CASA in the HDFC clubhouse on Wednesday 23rd October 2019 commencing 6pm. All club pilots are encouraged to attend so mark your diary now. CASA uses an online registration tool to track attendance at the seminars. Log onto, click register now and follow the steps.

CASA AV Safety Seminar 2019 is on 23 Oct

Tri Club Flying Competition

The 2019 Tri Club Competition will be held at Taree on Saturday 14th September. Last year Royal Newcastle snatched the trophy from us, so we are on a mission. Our team is looking for the support of as many flyers and non flyers as possible. Kempsey Flying Club will also join in making a four way contest.

Tri Club Flying Competition 14 Sep 2019


Hospitality 6/9/19 Doug Toppazzini 13/9/19 Rod Davison 20/9/19 Ray Lind 27/9/19 Mike Bullock 4/10/19 John Hayler 11/10/19 Bruce Dunlop

Aircraft Washing

28/8 to 11/9 Dave Toulson, Rod Davison, Aaron Crawford 11/9 to 25/9 Bruce Dunlop, Mark Whatson, Nicholas Tessede 25/9 to 9/10 Maxwell Mangan, Ray Lind, Benn Farrawell


Aeroprakt A22LS Foxbat 24-8685, very good condition inside and out. Price: $55,000 + GST Year of Manufacture: 2015 Serial Number: A22LS 247 Rego Expiry: 17th Dec 2019 Annual Due: 21st May 2020 Airframe : 1766 hours. Yoke controls. Engine: 1766 hours. Rotax 100hp ULS Propellor: New (zero hours) KievProp 3 blade – on – ground adjustable Avionics: Funkwerk ATR833 OLED VHF dual watch radio with built in VOX intercom

Mode S Microair Transponder Avmap Ultra EFIS Analogue ASI, Altimeter, VSI Slip ball, Magnetic Compass Condition: Very good inside and out.


  1. Chill out and camp at Kindee on 26 October hosted by Rod Hall. Address will be provided to you once you register here.

  2. HDFC Open Day on 24 November. More information here.

  3. HDFC Awards and Presentation Dinner on 30 November.

Chill out at Kindee hosted by Rod Hall

Chill out at Kindee


You can now follow us on Instagram @hdfcpmq or

Safe and enjoyable flying



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