Book an aircraft with Hastings District Flying Club Port Macquarie
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No pilot is to fly any club aeroplane unless they have flown within the previous 60 days. If the 60 days has expired, contact Chief Flying Instructor to arrange a check flight.


For hangar security, club pilots are required to close and lock the hangar doors whilst leaving the hangar unattended.


If a member wishes to take a club aircraft away for one or more nights, the aircraft must always be back for the monthly Pilot Proficiency Day. The aircraft must be flown for an average of 2 hours per day and is allowed to be away for a maximum of four days. Arrangements other than these can be discussed with the CFI.

HDFC aircraft uses Mogas 95 fuel for all operations. Pilots must be briefed on the correct use of the refuelling cart before any attempt is made at refuelling an aircraft. Contact Doug or a flying instructor for briefing.



Aircraft for Hire


$150 an hour for members

$180 an hour for non-members


As a member of HDFC, you can use the Goboko Booking App to check when an aircraft is available, book flights, and post messages to club members.

To create an account, please contact the Secretary who will send, to your email address, an invitation to join the HDFC Goboko group. You will be prompted to create your own personal password. 


The Goboko Booking App is available for Apple or Android mobile devices. Search “Goboko” and install the App. Sign in with your email address and your new password.  You can use Goboko to see your group bookings, book for a flight, update your bookings, remind you when your BFR is due - with live data from the Goboko's website. 

Download Goboko from the Apple App Store
Download Goboko on Google Play.png

Features of Goboko

- A reminder of renewals for members with programmable e-mail alerts
- Management of instructor availability schedules
- Instructor Downtime
- Management of instructor absences, aircraft maintenance
- Flying club opening hours with exception openings and closings
- Member invitation reminder
- Synchronization of member bookings with their Google Calendar
- 5 possible statuses: administrator and/or instructor, pilot, student, suspended
- Internal messaging, sending to one member or categories of group members (administrators,
- instructors, pilots, students)
- Next of kin to be informed
- WINDY and SKYVECTOR widgets as an open access app and resident software
- Export booking history for the club and club members
- Creation of events and sending of invitations
- Publishing of photos and videos
- Creation of pages or groups
- GDPR compliant site

- Recurrent booking
- Management of engine potential-hourmeter
- Fuel tank management
- Notifications by SMS

HDFC aircraft booking app - Goboko App f
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