Sling 23-1624
Our new secondhand Sling 2 arrived on Friday 14th June. The aircraft is proving popular with 60 hours already logged. Four new club members joined to specifically fly this aircraft. Pilot feedback is most positive with everyone impressed by its performance.
Foxbat 24-8685
Our beloved Foxbat is undergoing repairs following a landing incident on June 28th. The nose wheel separated from the leg leading to a prop strike. The failure occurred not because of one landing but rather many over a period of time. No one was injured in the incident, which was described as slow motion and gentle. The aircraft will be out of action for the next month.
Remembering Col Harvey

Life Member, Col Harvey, passed away in Cooma on the 12th June. Col served on the HDFC committee for 19 years during the seventies and eighties. He is best remembered as club Treasurer, but also served as President and Secretary.
A celebration of Col’s life was held in the HDFC clubhouse early July. About 50 people gathered for a pleasant afternoon remembering and giving thanks to this wonderful man.
Annual General Meeting
The HDFC AGM will be conducted on Wednesday 21st August. A formal notice of meeting and agenda is published on our website. Please support your club by attending this important meeting.
HDFC Committee 2019-20
Now is the time to consider nominating for the next HDFC committee. All positions become vacant at the August AGM. A successful club is dependent upon a strong committee. If you feel you have something to contribute, please complete the nomination form which will accompany the notice of meeting.
RAAus Scholarship
Congratulations to Abbey Sheather-Welsh on gaining a $2500 flying scholarship through RAAus. Abbey is one of our young student pilots, of whom we are most proud.
Fly Aways
Two recent fly aways proved most enjoyable for club members.
Ivan Daniel organised the Coffee Club fly in to Wallis Island. Perfect weather greeted the 32 aircraft that attended. Everyone had a fantastic day. Thanks Ivan.
Mike Bullock organised the Palmers Island trip the following weekend. Suspect weather reduced aircraft numbers with many choosing road transport. An enjoyable time was still had with a delicious dinner at the Yamba tavern. Thanks Mike.
Oshkosh Bound
Eighteen HDFC members and friends will gather in Oshkosh for the world’s greatest celebration of aviation. The event commences on Sunday 21st July and continues all week. No doubt many stories and photos will be shared.
Club Apparel
Club shirts, hats and caps are now available at the clubhouse. Support your club. Be proud of your club. Wear the gear. You can also buy these online -
Coming Events
Mark your calendar for the following events. Please follow HDFC Facebook Group Page for details.

Curry Night will be postponed to Friday, 2nd August from 5pm at HDFC Club House. Please bring a curry dish to share to warm our hearts.
Flying Comp and Sling Conversion is on Sunday 21st July 2019.
Tri-Club Flying Competition is tentatively set for 21st September 2019.
Aeroclub Camping at Rod Hall's Farm at Kindee on 26th and 27th October 2019.
HDFC will open its hangar to the public on Open Day on 24th November 2019.
Presentation Awards and Annual Dinner is scheduled for 30th November 2019.
12th July Doug Toppazzini 19th July Ray Lind 26th July David Toulson 2nd Aug Veronica Lind 9th Aug Mike Bullock
Aircraft Washing 3/7 to 17/7 Ed Godschalk, Aaron Crawford, Mark Crawford 17/7 to 31/7 Harley Sirovica, Simon Guthrey, Ed Malony 31/7 to 14/8 Jan Burgess, Col Hayler, Russ Delforce
Safe and enjoyable flying