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HDFC eNews December 2018

Writer's picture: HDFCHDFC

Hastings District Flying Club (HDFC)

HDFC eNews from Rod Davison, President

18th December 2018


New Aircraft

The Hastings District Flying Club is in the process of purchasing a Sling 2. The aircraft has been sourced in South Africa and is currently undergoing a pre-purchase inspection in the Sling factory before shipping. It has 411 hours total time, was privately owned and in very good condition. Delivery is expected in February 2019.

Flying Scholarships

The successful 2018 HDFC Flying Scholarship recipients have been announced. Congratulations to Maxwell Mangan and Nicholas Tessede. They were selected from nine high quality candidates. Thanks to all applicants for your enthusiasm, time and effort.

Introducing the 2018 HDFC Flying Scholarship recipients. Congratulations to Maxwell Mangan (left) and Nicholas Tessede.


The Ludriks and Baker families have combined to donate $1,500 to our Flying Scholarship Scheme next year. Marcus made the announcement at the HDFC annual Presentation Dinner citing the support to Jimi and Mathew in their early flying careers. Both boys are now flying with Cathay Pacific. Thank you for this wonderful support allowing the HDFC to encourage more young people into the air.

Presentation Dinner

The HDFC recognised member efforts and achievements at the annual Presentation Dinner. Fifty people attended to witness the presentation of Wings, Solo Mugs and Certificates. Congratulations to all recipients but especially Mike Bullock as Pilot of the Year, Ivan Daniel as Clubperson of the Year, Billy Crowley as Student Pilot of the Year and Mark Whatson as Most Proficient Pilot.


New club member, Shayne Phipps, has sourced and delivered some badly needed replacement furniture. As well as 100 good quality chairs, Shayne provided bookcases, office desk, student desks and a stationary cupboard. A huge thanks to Shayne in making our Clubhouse a better place. Stop Press. Bruce Dunlop has also been able to secure 20 Bar Stools from the Laurieton United Services Club (LUSC).

Christmas Party

A highly enjoyable night with abundant food, drink and laughter. Ivan’s large inflatables added atmosphere with the plane proving most popular. Elf Shayne entertained with his balloon skills and was joined by Santa Bullock to top off the evening.

Australia Day

The next social function will be the Australia Day BBQ from 11.30am. Following similar lines to last year it will be held in the clubhouse grounds. BYO meat and a salad or dessert to share.


Please check and communicate with other team members to organise your duty. Remember to sign off when finished. Hopefully completion rate will improve over the previous roster.

17/12 – 31/12/18 Bruce Dunlop, Mark Whatson, Jake Stuckey 31/12 -14/1/19 Ray Lind, Mary Pavicich, Benn Farrawell 14/1 – 28/1/19 Mike Bullock, Col Hayler, Graham Smith

21/12/18 Bruce Dunlop 28/12/18 Steve Smith 4/1/19 Doug Toppazzini 11/1/19 Ray Lind 18/1/19 David Toulson 23/1/19 Veronica Lind

We need volunteers. Please contact Veronica Lind if you can help out. The next Flying Competition is on Sunday 20th January 2019 and then on every 3rd Sunday of each month.

Club Shirts

A special edition 60th Anniversary polo shirt is now available for $35. Various men and women sizes are available either through the online shop or at the clubhouse. Postage is extra. This shirt is a great momento representing 60 years of the HDFC. Get yours now to stay fashionable.

Buy this HDFC limited edition shirt now for $35

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Season Greetings

I would like to sincerely thank everyone for their support in making 2018 another highly successful and enjoyable year at the HDFC. It has been special as we celebrated and commemorated 60 years of aviation. We now look to the future with enthusiasm and anticipation.

Merry Christmas to all. Have a safe and enjoyable festive season. Onwards and upwards in 2019.


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