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HDFC eNews August 2018

Hastings District Flying Club (HDFC)

HDFC eNews from Rod Davison, President

1st August 2018


Home Again

After spending 5 weeks travelling through Croatia, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Morocco it is good to be back among our HDFC friends. Exciting times approach as the 60th anniversary festivities gain momentum.

Revitalising Friday

Socialising of a Friday evening has become very quiet of late. Hopefully this is only due to the chilly winter evenings.

In coming weeks we have organised a couple of events to boost attendance. We would love to see you attend.

Sausage Sizzle Friday nights with AIAC and Leslie Williams

Friday 3rd August

This Friday is the usual free sausage sizzle. However, around 30 staff from the Australian International Aviation College (AIAC) will also join us in a social evening. This is an ideal opportunity to meet our fellow aviators next door.

Friday 17th August

State Member, Leslie Williams, will join with us on a purely social visit. No political lobbying please. Finger food will be available with the usual drinks at the bar. We would like to demonstrate a strong club with a large attendance. As they say, strength in numbers. A good impression is always helpful at grant application time..

60th Anniversary Reunion Dinner

Time to get serious with the organisation of this most important event.The dinner will be a celebration for all current members as well as a reunion of past members. All tickets must be pre-purchased so indicate your intentions now. Also recruit past members (contact Rod). The venue has changed to Port Panthers for the Saturday 8th September Dinner. Social drinks will occur at the clubhouse on the preceding Friday evening with a display of photographic memorabilia.

Payment is required by Monday 3rd September -

Option 1: Direct Deposit

Account Details: Holiday Coast Credit Union

BSB 721000

Acc 35022

Reference is your surname plus dinner Eg: Smithdinner

Option 2: Pay at the clubhouse

Option 3: Cheque

Post cheque made out to “Hastings District Flying Club” to HDFC, P.O. Box 115, Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444 and mark surname plus dinner Eg. Smithdinner on the back of the cheque

Option 4: Pay online (PayPal or credit card)

When you register online, choose your payment option. PayPal or Manual.

If you choose PayPal, you will be redirected to where you can choose to pay by PayPal or Pay with a Card.

If you choose Manual, there will be instructions for you to pay by Direct Deposit, Cheque or Pay at the clubhouse.

Sponsorships for Raffle -

Prize donations welcome to support our raffle. Please express your interest to donate here.

Register here to attend HDFC's 60th anniversary dinner celebrations

HDFC 60th Anniversary Open Day

As part of our 60th anniversary activities the club will host a public Open Day on Sunday 14th October. It will follow similar lines to previous years. I will once again be asking aircraft owners to kindly display their aircraft. Any ideas or organisational help would be greatly appreciated. More details will be released as the date approaches.

HDFC club house and hangar will be opened to public for viewing on 14th Oct 2018 as part of its 60th anniversary

ABC Radio Interview

Ray and I were interviewed by Peter Rasmussen of ABC Radio Mid North Coast on Saturday 28th July 2018. Click on Sound Cloud icon on the left to listen to this interview.

Read the blog post - Always Looking Up Hastings District Flying Club celebrates 60 years of aviation

The Fence

Following the erection of an electric fence across the decommissioned grass runway, many HDFC members voiced their disapproval to Council. Although not an operational runway, the area still provides a valuable safety net should an engine failure occur in certain parts of the circuit. Being electrified heightens the danger to an aircraft using the area in an emergency.Council listened to our concerns and has indicated the fence will be removed. They must be commended on this decision and it is refreshing to see open communication.

Annual General Meeting

The Hastings District Flying Club AGM will be held in the clubhouse on Wednesday 29th August commencing at 7pm.The agenda, nomination form and proxy form were included in the July issue of Propwash. Now is the time to nominate for a committee position. All members (except Junior) are welcome and encouraged to nominate. Hardcopy forms will be placed on the notice board or the form can be downloaded here. Attendance at the AGM is also encouraged as it provides a good insight into the functioning of your club.

HDFC Annual General Meeting is on 29th Aug 2018 at 7pm


Payment is now due for the 2018-19 membership year. Invoices will be distributed shortly. Flying membership is $100, Social $40 and Junior $11 per annum. All memberships are highly valued by the club and we seek your continued support with prompt payment.


The latest issue of Propwash can be viewed here -

Propwash | HDFC newsletters


Please check and communicate with other team members to organise your duty. Remember to sign off when finished. Hopefully completion rate will improve over the previous roster.

30/7/2018 to 13/8/2018

Mike Bullock, Doug Toppazzini, Kynan Schneider.

13/8/2018 to 27/8/2018

Bruce Dunlop, Mark Whatson, Mark Crawford.

3rd August - Veronica Lind

10th August - Rod Davison

17th August - Mike Bullock

24th August - Bruce Dunlop

August - Anne Hayler

Safe and enjoyable flying


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