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HDFC ENews October 2019

Writer's picture: HDFCHDFC

Welcome to our new style News Blog. This is where we update HDFC Members on what's going on at the club and around the Port Macquarie Airport.

Aircraft News

Foxbat 24-8685

Sold. Departed to Atherton on Monday 7th October. Sale price was $60,500 including GST.

Sling 2 23-1624

Proving very popular. Just approaching its third 100 hourly since arrival June 14th. The need for a second aircraft was highlighted with a prolonged 100 hourly in September. Apologies to those students and pilots inconvenienced while necessary work was carried out including a mandatory 600 hour gearbox inspection.

Sling 2 FU-KHG

Delivery of our second Sling 2 is now scheduled for “before Christmas”. Let us hope Santa is kind and delivers as promised. This aircraft is desperately required. The aircraft is a 2013 model with 343 hours total time airframe and engine. The big difference to our current machine is the Rotax 912 iS engine.

HDFC's new aircraft Sling 2 23-1624
Sling 2 23-1624 is proving to be very popular. Just approaching its third 100 hourly since arrival June 14th.

Flying Scholarships

Twelve applications have been received for the 2019 HDFC Flying Scholarships. The selection process is now underway with trial flights being scheduled. The judging panel consisting of Steve Smith, John Hayler, Mike Bullock and myself should be in a position to announce winners mid November.

Three scholarships will be awarded following the generous donation of funds by the Ludriks and Baker families. This support is greatly appreciated. Meanwhile, thanks to all applicants and good luck.

Airport Stakeholders Meeting

The HDFC hosted an Airport Stakeholders Meeting on the 27th September. The airport business manager, Peter Allen, highlighted the following points:

  • Airport Terminal upgrade will be completed ahead of schedule.

  • The parallel taxiway project will be held up at least 12 months due to environmental considerations.

  • Land is currently being rezoned for an airport business park to the east of GA2. (See map in clubhouse). It is highly unlikely the grass runway will ever be re-opened.

  • The BP storage facility west of the terminal will be relocated to the Avgas site within 12 months.

Clubhouse, Hangar and Aircraft Care

All members are requested to respect club property and security. Recent incidents include a bathroom tap left running, fridge left unlocked, money left out, windows and doors open and air conditioner left on. Not only is this proving costly but is a threat to security. If you are last to leave please ensure the cleanliness and security of club property.

The hangar doors are in a state of disrepair. Installation of new door tracks will occur shortly. In the meantime please be very gentle when sliding the doors.

There has been some damage to the Sling whilst ground handling. Please be extremely careful and use the towbar to manoeuvre. Also take care with entry and exit to the aircraft.

CASA Safety Seminar

Teraya Miller again provided a most informative and thought provoking seminar to the PMQ aviation community. Hosted by the HDFC, a good crowd of around 50 pilots benefited from the safety message. Thanks to Benn Farrawell for ensuring participants were well fed with his Subway platters.

HDFC Open Day

The HDFC will open its doors to the public on Sunday 24th November from 9.30am to 3pm. The format will be similar to previous years with static displays of club information and aircraft. Volunteers will be required on the day as well as during a clean- up working bee the morning before, Saturday 23rd November.

The club cordially invites all aircraft owners to display their pride and joy on the tarmac in front of the hangar. Organisers, Mike Bullock, Doug Toppazzini and Mark Crawford would love to hear from anyone who can help.

Follow this event on Facebook.

Presentation Dinner

The annual Presentation Dinner will be conducted on Saturday 30th November. This important event allows us to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our members during the past year. The club will be contacting all award recipients shortly. It would be great if everyone being recognised was in attendance. Cost of the evening is $38.

Pilot Proficiency Days

The final PPD for 2019 will be conducted on Sunday 10th November. Please note this is a week earlier than originally scheduled. Hoping for good weather as the September event was cancelled and the October event postponed a week due to strong winds.

Many thanks to Lan Young, Veronica Lind and Bruce Dunlop for the beautiful BBQ Lunch during our October's PPD.

HDFC Big Day Out

Rod Hall’s country retreat at Kindee provided the ideal location for the latest bout of HDFC socialising. Swimming, canoeing, exploring, eating, drinking, talking, relaxing. A great day out for lots of our members courtesy of Rod. A huge thanks for another highly enjoyable club activity.

HDFC aviators, family and friends enjoying an afternoon BBQ at Rod Hall's country retreat at Kindee
HDFC aviators, family and friends enjoying an afternoon BBQ at Rod Hall's country retreat at Kindee

Upcoming Events

November PPD 10th Nov

Kempsey Fly-In Breakfast 17th Nov (8am to 11am)

HDFC Open Day 24th Nov (9.30am to 3pm)

HDFC Presentation Dinner 30th Nov

Christmas Party Fri 20th Dec


Nov PPD Lunch Di Davison


1st Nov Ray Lind

8th Nov David Toulson

15th Nov Veronica Lind

22nd Nov Mike Bullock

29th Nov Rod Davison

6th Dec Bruce Dunlop

Aircraft Washing

1/11-15/11 Nicholas Tessede, Kynan Schneider

15/11-29/11 Mark Crawford, Aaron Crawford

29/11-13/12 Simon Guthrey, Ed Malony

13/12-27/12 Rod Davison, Col Hayler

Safe and enjoyable flying



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