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HDFC ENews Special January 2020

Writer's picture: HDFCHDFC


Sling 2 24-8470

The HDFC is pleased to announce the acquisition of a second Sling 2 aircraft is now complete.

This aircraft can be booked via Goboko in the usual way.

Operation of Sling 2 24-8470

Engine and Fuel Management

This aircraft has the same carburetor engine and fuel system as 23-1624. The same operating procedures apply.


A more modern MGL Challenger iEFIS is fitted. It has touch screen capabilities as well as using knobs/buttons.

Pilots will need a short brief on the operation of the iEFIS before their first flight. A user manual is available for download -

MGL Challenger iEFIS in Sling 2 24-8470 at HDFC

Flaps, Trim, Radio

All the same as 23-1624.

Ground Handling

The white tow bar should be used to steer both Sling aircraft. Take care connecting and disconnecting.

DO NOT PUSH OR PULL the aircraft with the tow bar – it is for steering only. Push or pull by the propeller close to the hub.

Move aircraft slowly and carefully. Rudder damage has already occurred to the new aircraft.


Both aircraft use Unleaded Premium 95 available from containers in the fuelling trolley. Ensure the aircraft is at least 9 metre from the hangar. Follow the instructions on the hangar whiteboard. If unsure seek help.

Purchase Process

Acquisition of a second Sling 2 aircraft has been a slow process with several twists and turns. Here is a brief timeline.

27th August 2019

Agreed to purchase Sling ZU-KHG situated in South Africa

28th Nov 2019

Offered an Australian based Sling 24-8470

16th Dec 2019

24-8470 delivered to PMQ for pre-purchase. An offer containing several provisions made. Offer declined.

13th Jan 2020

Sling ZU-KHG arrives in Australia

16th Jan 2020

Pre-purchase inspection at Heck Field. Rotax 912 iS engine with ongoing gearbox maintenance a red flag.

22nd Jan 2020

Revised offer on 24-8470 accepted. The offer was $2500 lower and included provisions.

1st Feb 2020

Sling 24-8470 goes online.

Note: This is a very brief timeline. Anyone wanting more information please contact me.

Safe and enjoyable flying



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