HDFC eNews from Rod Davison, President
Annual General Meeting
Twenty eight members attended the recent AGM with at least a dozen apologies. The President reported another successful year while the Treasurer announced a $24,292 surplus. An increase in membership fee’s for the 2018-19 year was passed. Other business included the election of a new committee and a valuable discussion on the future direction of our aircraft fleet.
New Committee
Three vacancies were created with the retirement of Craig Whiting, John Hayler and Alex Pursehouse. All three are devoted club members and we are extremely grateful for their huge contribution.
Welcome aboard to new committee persons, Mark Crawford and Mike Bullock. A casual vacancy still exists which the committee can fill at any time. Any members interested in the position please make contact. We would be particularly interested in anyone wishing to fill the House Manager role, but this is not vital.
The 2017-18 committee is:
President: Rod Davison
Vice President: Ray Lind
Vice President: Steve Smith
Secretary: Bruce Dunlop
Treasurer: David Toulson (absent in photo)
Marketing/Communication: Veronica Lind
Facilities Manager: Mark Crawford
Activities Co-ordinator: Mike Bullock
House Manager: Vacant

Expression of Interest
Calling any member interested in becoming House Manager.
The position involves purchasing and stocking items for the bar and kitchen. The role need not be a committee position. If interested or require further information give me a call on 0419632477.
Membership Renewal
Thanks to all those who have promptly paid their renewal invoice. We are currently finalising the membership list and note some expected renewals have not been acted upon. Hopefully, this is just an oversight and we will have you back on board soon. Your membership is highly valued and not only allows access to club facilities and activities but provides a stronger club voice in the aviation community.
Tri-Club Flying Competition
HDFC pilots successfully defended the Tri-Club Trophy for 2017. Our club hosted the annual event at Kempsey in perfect flying conditions. Thanks to Bruce Dunlop for the superb organisation. Competing were Royal Newcastle Aero Club, Kempsey Flying Club, Manning River Aero Club and Hastings District Flying Club. Twenty six pilots competed in three events.
Individual results were:
1st Blind Circuit/Glide Approach - Mark Whatson (HDFC)
1st River Bash - Greg Connors (HDFC)
1st Flapless Spot Landing - Bruce Dunlop (HDFC)
Club results were:
1st Hastings District Flying Club
2nd Kempsey Flying Cub
3rd Royal Newcastle Aero Club
4th Manning River Aero Club
Congratulations to our successful team consisting of Mark Whatson, Bruce Dunlop, Greg Connors, Col Hayler, Nathan Green, David Mitchell and Rod Davison.
Also a huge thank you to our supporters with eight aircraft and several cars transporting club members to another great day of aviation indulgence.

Flying Scholarships
Fifteen applications have been received for the two flying scholarships on offer. During the coming weeks applicants will undertake a trial flight and then the selection panel will face the difficult task of deciding the two successful candidates. An announcement will be made late October.
The CTLS sale has been suspended. Utilisation will be monitored over the coming months before its future is decided. A contributing factor in the suspension was the revitalisation of the Flight Design company. It has a new owner with production recommencing and a promise of strengthened customer support.
AIAC Accident
We were all shocked to hear of the unfortunate accident involving an AIAC Diamond 40NG. On behalf of the club I conveyed best wishes for a full and speedy recovery of the fellow aviators involved. Latest reports indicate both the Instructor and student are on the mend.
It is Propwash time again. Veronica needs your contributions to keep this publication a highly enjoyable read. Its continued success relies on your input so please get those articles to Veronica ASAP.
Hospitality Roster
Also known as the Bar Roster. We need members to volunteer their services approximately one Friday evening every couple of months. I am currently compiling a new roster and would love to have you on it. Please contact me ASAP if you can help out.
The PPDay lunch roster also has some holes in it. Again, any help would be greatly appreciated. If you can help with this one please contact Veronica.
Please check and communicate with other team members to organise your duty. Remember to sign off when finished. Hopefully completion rate will improve over the previous roster.
25/9 to 9/10
Mary Pavicich, Tim Amor, Russ Delforce
9/10 to 23/10
Mike Bullock, Col Hayler,Graham Smith
22nd Sept. Bruce Dunlop
29th Sept. Rod Davison
6th Oct. Ray Lind
13th Oct. David Toulson
20th Oct. Mike Bullock
27th Oct. Steve Smith
15th Oct. Veronica Lind
19th Nov. Helen Smith
AirVenture Australia
Let’s support Australia’s largest Fly-In. It’s more than just planes. It’s a celebration of flight.
Conducted at Narromine from the 19th-21st of October. There will be seminars, exhibitions and an airshow. Fly or Drive. Just go.
Upcoming Events
We have lined up many events leading up to the 60th anniversary of Hastings District Flying Club, so check them out!
Safe and enjoyable flying